Call for papers and session proposals
Please note that the submission period has ended! Applicants will be notified of the results of their submissions by March 17, 2025.
We welcome extended abstracts and session proposals from all areas of economic psychology, behavioural economics, behavioural policy, judgement and decision-making.
Please submit your extended abstract (max 1000 words) or session proposal by February 14, 2025.
The session proposals can be submitted by groups of researchers, policymakers and/or nudge units. Please submit your session proposal for 4 to 5 presentations including proposed topic of the session, short overview of its aim and contents (max 200 words), moderator name and contacts, presenters, presentation titles, and abstracts (max 1000 words each) February 14, 2025.
The topics include but are not limited to:
- Economic psychology
- Behavioural policy
- Behavioural economics
- Behavioural finance
- Ethics of behavioural interventions
- Judgment and decision making
- Happiness and wellbeing
- Bounded rationality, heuristics and biases
- AI in behavioural science research
- Sludge reduction
- Culture & cognitive biases
- Cognitive, social and personality psychology
- (Sustainable) consumer behaviour
- Emotions and decision making
- Experimental economics
- RCT-s and megastudies
- Fairness, inequality
- Intertemporal choice
- Risk and uncertainty
- Behavioural approaches to tackle polarization, international conflicts and security issues
- Entrepreneurial behaviour
- Financial literacy and behaviour
- Financial wellbeing
- Psychology of money
- Tax behaviour and psychology
- Household decision making
- Pro-environmental behaviour (PEB)
- Health (incl. mental health) behaviour
- Behavioural food policy
- Nudging organisational behaviour
The decisions of acceptance will be made by March 17.