IAREP 2025: Behavioural Insights in Research and Policymaking


The conference will be held on the historic campus of the University of Tartu in the heart of Estonia’s second-largest city, Tartu. The University of Tartu is one of the oldest universities in Eastern Europe, founded by the Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus in 1632.

The conference venue is a short walk from most hotels and the bus station. The Faculty of Social Sciences (Lossi 36) is the main conference venue for panel sessions. All conference rooms are equipped with a projector, PC, and speakers. No other audio-visual equipment will be provided. For Mac laptops: Be sure to bring the necessary cables to connect your Mac laptop to the projector. Free Wi-Fi (network name: ut-public) is available in all conference rooms.

The city of Tartu is a charming university town whose relaxed and sophisticated atmosphere creates a perfect environment for scholarly conversations. Tartu’s neoclassical center is small enough to cover on foot.

The first Keynote Lecture will be held in University of Tartu White Hall, Lossi 25.

The second Keynote Lecture will be held in Lodjakoda, Ujula 98.

The third Keynote Lecture will be held in University of Tartu Oecologicum, J. Liivi 2.

The last Keynote Lecture will be held in University of Tartu Library.

On the evening of day 2, from 17:00 until 20:00, we will have food and drinks at Lodjakoda and boat trips on the river Emajõgi with barge Jõmmu and river ship Pegasus. Lodjakoda is a unique theme park for building historical ships in the whole Baltic region, which started its activities in 2020.

The conference dinner will be held in AHHAA Science Center. The AHHAA Science Centre aims to value learning by offering the joy of discovery for all. The Science Centre was founded by the University of Tartu, the Ministry of Education and Research and the City of Tartu. AHHAA’s main mission is to promote science to the general public.

After the closing of the conference, there’s a possibility to go to a nature tour in Southern Estonia on the Emajõe-Suursoo islands. Emajõe-Suursoo is known to many as the cranberry place, but less known is the dozens of marsh islands with rich nature. Old farms hide there or have been in hiding from foreign rule. On the walking tour, you will discover and explore the islands of the Emajõgi-Suursoo. You will find out how people used to live there and who and how they live there now. You’ll see lots of signs of animal activity and maybe even meet them. You will experience the richness and joy of moving in nature. The nature tour cost is 75€ and it includes transportation, professional nature guide, and food. You can sign up for the nature tour while registering for the conference.

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